Stanley Gordon Currie Obituary, Longtime Member Of The Apollo Bay Bowls Club Victoria, Austral

Stanley Gordon Currie Obituary, Death Stan Gordon Currie, a beloved and long-term member of the Apollo Bay Bowls Club in Victoria, Australia, peacefully passed away on Monday at the age of 93. The club is in mourning at this time. Because of the kindness and friendship he brought to the club, Gordon will be missed

Stanley ‘Gordon’ Currie Obituary, Death – Stan “Gordon” Currie, a beloved and long-term member of the Apollo Bay Bowls Club in Victoria, Australia, peacefully passed away on Monday at the age of 93. The club is in mourning at this time. Because of the kindness and friendship he brought to the club, Gordon will be missed by everyone who was lucky enough to know him. A real gentleman in every respect, Gordon Currie was well-known for his warm personality and conversational disposition.

He was beloved by many because of his constant commitment to the Apollo Bay Bowls Club and the community. As they reflect on their time in the Bay, club members love to remember the bowling and serving that Gordon used to do with them at the Lyons’s Club. The impression he left on everyone he met as an honest gentleman and dedicated community member is imprinted in their minds.

As a club, we are grieving together and sending our deepest sympathies to Gordon’s family, especially his beloved wife Olive, and to the rest of their town. It is with deep affection and gratitude that we will remember Gordon for his outstanding character and the many ways he helped the club.

Many people at the Apollo Bay Bowls Club were blessed to have known Gordon Currie, and he left behind a legacy of kindness and fond memories. His amiability and generosity will live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved him in Apollo Bay, even as the club mourns his passing. Gordon, may you rest in peace. You will be remembered warmly by everyone who had the pleasure of knowing you.

