Sbahle Mpisane biography: age, mom, father, relationship with Itumeleng Khune, bikini photos, house

Her keenness for fitness is what makes her famous in contemporary South Africa. Sbahle Mpisane is now known across the country and beyond. Many people admire her dedication to keeping her body fit and assisting others to do the same. What is most striking is that she is a young lady who discovered her passion

Her keenness for fitness is what makes her famous in contemporary South Africa. Sbahle Mpisane is now known across the country and beyond. Many people admire her dedication to keeping her body fit and assisting others to do the same. What is most striking is that she is a young lady who discovered her passion early. Here is all you need to know about her.

Sbahle Mpisane celebrates her birthday on the 18th of June each year. She is a Gemini who was born in 1993. Sbahle Mpisane age now is 24 years. Sbahle Mpisane parents are S’bu Mpisane, a Durban-based tycoon, and Shawn Mpisane. She is one of the four children in the Mpisane family. Her siblings include her brother Andile Mpisane and two sisters. The family supports her career in fitness training.

READ ALSO: Fitness bunnie, Sbahle Mpisane, is on the road to a mighty recovery journey


Sbahle and her three siblings have supportive and loving parents who ensured that they had a fulfilling childhood. They also made sure that their daughter got the best education to lay a foundation for her future. She and her siblings got the best primary and secondary education. As a brilliant student, her scores were high enough to get a slot at the university level. Recently, the fitness mogul graduated from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). She was crowned with a degree in housing and town planning.

Initially, she took up this course with the hope of taking over her family’s construction empire. After all, she is passionate about map reading, technical drawings, and practical work. During her graduation ceremony, she thanked her family for always supporting her. She also admitted that she had, on several occasions, considered quitting school to focus on her career as a fitness instructor.


Growing up, Mpisane was not confident. Her body was the greatest source of low self-esteem. After much contemplation and research, she decided to take action by getting into a fitness routine. She started her fitness journey in 2014 when she was still pursuing higher education at UKZN. She documented her progress on Instagram. Over time, what began as a personal goal became a fully fledged career.

She founded a boot camp program known as Fitness Bunnie to assist other people in their path to fitness. Since then, she is commonly known as Fitness Bunny. She spends at least one hour daily at the gym working out to maintain the body she has. Through her Instagram, she has met some of her clients who want to keep fit as well. She often uses this social media platform to motivate people to stay physically active. Her boot camps are in Durban where she resides with her family. She now runs the boot camp every week.

Sbahle Mpisane’s car

It is well-known that Sbahle comes from a wealthy family. She lives a lavish life while remaining keen on her fitness and health. One of the most exciting moments in her life was during her 24th birthday. Her boyfriend gave her a BMW 440i Cabriolet as a birthday present. The car’s worth ranges between R1.3 million and R1.6 million.

Sbahle had a road accident at about 4 AM on the 9th of August 2018. She lost control of her car and hit a light pole before crashing into a tree. The accident happened at Yacht Mall that is located close to Victoria Embankment. Paramedics reported that her injuries were critical. She had fractured both arms and one leg. They rushed her to the hospital to get medical attention.

Sbahle Mpisane body lay in the Intensive Care Unit at Netcare St. Augustine’s Hospital for six days before she finally opened her eyes. Her father reported that she ate her first solid meal three weeks after the incident. Her recovery process is ongoing, and she is now going about her normal life in a wheelchair.

Relationship and love life

Sbahle Mpisane is in a loving relationship with Itumeleng Khune. The couple has been dating for a while, but they are not married. When asked, Sbahe has responded that she desires and wants to get married to her beau, but not at her current age. She believes that marriage should not be rushed. June is the couple’s anniversary month and also their birthdays. Last year, both she and Itumeleng took to Instagram to celebrate their milestones as a couple.

A while back, the relationship was rumoured to be rocky. Sbahle later admitted that they had gone through a rough patch that saw them taking a break from their romantic relationship. During the break, the two remained close friends. They later reunited to form a stronger bond that can withstand the waves of life.

Before Sbahle and Itulumeng started dating, he was dating Sibahle Dlamini. Sibahle admitted that she was in love with him and would have married him. Their 2014 breakup was all over the media. While it was hurtful, she has now moved on and is seeing someone else as well. Although they no longer talk, Sibahle wishes Itumeleng the best in his life. The Sibahle Mpisane relationship is not known.

Awards and recognitions

Sbahle was crowned Woman of the Year in the category of health by Glamour Magazine in 2017.

Sbahle Mpisane Instagram

This fitness guru uses Instagram as her primary social media page. The large following that she now has makes her an influential person in South Africa. Her Instagram account has About 1.1m followers. On the page, she often posts photos of herself working out. Her fans love her bikini photos the most. She also educates her fans on the best techniques to apply to have a gorgeous body as she does.

Hobbies and interests

In her free time, Sbahle enjoys listening to music. She is a huge fan of Hip Hop. She is also an animal lover with a particular interest in dogs. Outdoor activities such as quad biking and surfing are among her favourite pastime activities. Besides, she has a keen interest in martial arts.

Sbahle Mpisane is a social media influencer who has specialised in fitness. Her body is toned and fit from working up daily. Beyond living lavishly and enjoying an excellent relationship with Itumeleng Khune, she is a humble girl whose dream is to see more people becoming physically fit. It is apparent that she lives an exciting life, keep checking to get Sbahle Mpisane latest news.


  • Sbahle Mpisane aka Fitness Bunny flexes her rocking body in a new set of pics
  • The Fitness Bunnie is back: Sbahle shares video of herself in the gym

