Who is the shortest person in the world ever? Top 10 list with images

Each person is unique, from their physical attributes to their personality traits and values. Your physical appearance is undoubtedly the first thing people notice about you since it is the first thing people are exposed to when they meet you. Likewise, your height is included in the first standout features people notice. Curious to know

Each person is unique, from their physical attributes to their personality traits and values. Your physical appearance is undoubtedly the first thing people notice about you since it is the first thing people are exposed to when they meet you. Likewise, your height is included in the first standout features people notice. Curious to know who the shortest person in the world ever was? Here is our top 10 list of those individuals based on thorough research.

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The shortest people in the world have always intrigued society since we are such curious creatures. How tall is the shortest person in the world, you may ask? That title used to be held by a Nepali man named Chandra Bahadur Dangi, who has since passed away. So, who is the smallest person in the world in 2022? According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Edward Nino Hernandez, a Colombian native who is a mere 72.1 cm.

Who is the shortest person in the world in 2022?

If you want to know the most up-to-date statistics, the title of the shortest person on Earth depends on what year you are looking at. Who the shortest person in the world is in 2022 would be Edward Nino Hernandez, as mentioned above, at the height of 72.1 cm.

Wondering who the shortest person alive in 2020 was? That would be Hernandez, the individual who is the shortest person in the world in 2021 too. But, who makes the list of the shortest people ever recorded? According to various sources, here is the list, including the Guinness Book of World Records.

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10. Lin Yu-chih

Starting our list of the shortest person in the world ever is Lin Yu-chih, who stands at 67.5 cm. Born in Taiwan, he is a former world's shortest man titleholder and a social activist featured on a television show called The World's Smallest Man and Me.

9. Khagendra Thapa Magar

Khagendra Thapa Magar's name frequently comes up when discussing who the shortest person alive in 2020 is since he held the title until his passing within the same year in January. Standing at 67 cm, he was fondly known as 'little Buddha' by all who knew him personally within the Baglung District of Nepal, where he is from.

8. Madge Bester

South Africa's own Madge Bester makes the list, too, standing at 65 cm. Born in April 1963, she was considered a disability rights activist that used her precious time on Earth to bring more awareness to the issues those with disabilities face until her death in March 2018. Her lifespan is considered long for someone of her size, as health issues tend to plague much smaller people of this scale.

7. Istvan Toth

Coming in at the same height as Madge Bester is Istvan Toth. The Hungarian stood at the height of 65 cm and, unfortunately, passed away before officially entering the Guinness Book of World Records and securing his spot on the list. However, he would have made the official recorded list by all accounts.

6. Jyoti Kishanji Amge

When asking yourself who is the shortest girl on earth currently the answer is Jyoti Kishanji Amge, which makes number five on our list. Amge holds the title of the world’s shortest actress, too, after her role in American Horror Story: Freak Show. An honourable mention for the shortest woman goes to Wildine Aumoithe, a Miami, USA native who is 73 cm tall.

5 . Lucia Zarate

The question of who's the shortest person in the world cannot be answered without mentioning Lucia Zarate. Born in what we now know to be Ursulo Galvan, Veracruz, the 61 cm Mexican entertainer, caught the eyes of all that she encountered due to her slight stature. Born in 1864 and eventually passing in 1890, she was a crowd favourite with all who knew her.

4. Pauline Musters

When she was alive, Musters was the shortest woman to have ever lived, with a height of 61 cm. Born in the Netherlands on February 1876, the tiny Dutch lady lived a fulfilling yet short life and sadly died in March 1895 in New York City, USA.

3. Junrey Balawing

Once Khagendra Thapa Magar passed on, the shortest person to be alive in 2020 became Junrey Balawing, at the height of 59.9 cm. Born in the Philippines, the petite man is said to have stopped growing as young as one year old, a remarkable fete in itself. Unfortunately, he also died in 2020, a mere six months after Magar. The person who was the shortest in the world in 2020 was Edward Niño Hernandez.

2. Gul Mohammed

Standing at 57 cm was Gul Mohammed, an Indian native who stunned all those who knew him through his unremarkably small stature. Born in New Delhi, India, in February 1957, he lived a considerably long life for a small person, too, since they are known to pass away young from health problems, as mentioned earlier. Unfortunately, Mohammed eventually died in October 1997 from respiratory issues.

1. Chandra Bahadur Dangi

The answer to who is the shortest person ever to exist is Chandra Bahadur Dangi. Originating from Nepal and born in 1939, he was quickly noticed by locals due to his noticeably small stature and, surprisingly, went on to live a long, healthy life until he died in 2015. The title of the smallest head in the world also belongs to Dangi.

In contrast, if you were wondering who the tallest person in the world is, the title belongs to a Turkish man named Sultan Kösen. Standing at 251.00 cm, Kösen is currently the tallest in the world, but the tallest man of all time is Robert Pershing Wadlow, at 272 cm.

Knowing who is the shortest person in the world gives you a better understanding of how diverse we are as individuals and how our height differences can make us unique and break world records.

READ ALSO: How to talk to short people: 15+ do's and don'ts to follow when engaging with little people

We recently highlighted the best ways to engage with those more petite than the average size since specific conversation methods may be belittling, disrespectful or outright rude.

Knowing the 'dos and don'ts' will help both parties feel respected and at ease during the conversation. Click here to find out the best ways to talk to little people.

