Facebook jail memes to expose its dark side

Who does not use or know about Facebook at this time? Almost everyone on the entire earth is using this app. It has been nearly a decade since I joined. Facebook is an online platform to express thoughts and share various cherishing events of our life. In addition, it helps you connect with your long-lost

Facebook jail memes

Who does not use or know about Facebook at this time? Almost everyone on the entire earth is using this app. It has been nearly a decade since I joined. 

Facebook is an online platform to express thoughts and share various cherishing events of our life. In addition, it helps you connect with your long-lost friends and talk to family members living abroad, all for free. 

It is a great power that social apps like Facebook have granted us. But not all are using it for good. Many negative comments are made in a random picture or video without any reason. 

People even make fake accounts to do so. They saw something awful just for fun. And since you share your life on these social media platforms, people now have access that they didn’t have before. They know where you live, who your family members are, and so on. 

And the founder of Facebook has been accused of stealing our data and information. Because of which Mark Zuckerberg was asked for an explanation on many occasions. 

Here are some Facebook jail memes to capture the whole case and the dark side of social media. 

Mark Zukerberg got into a lot of trouble. But, I mean, he did use people’s private data, so I can’t blame anyone else.

If you are one of those who post racist, sexist comments online, jail is coming for you.

Not everyone regrets posting unwanted things on the internet. But, as I told you, some people do it for fun. They make others feel bad on purpose. So for a situation like that, this meme is perfect. It has reasonably described people’s true feelings.

Have a look at 50+ Happy memes to brighten your days.

There is a limit to everything. Unfortunately, this applies to the punishment as well. After serving some time, you are free again.

There is a limit to what you can share on social media. And Facebook has it too. If what you are expressing is not harming any person, religion, or race, you won’t be banned. But if you are doing that, you will be off Facebook for a while.

Some people have a habit of getting themselves into trouble. Are you one of them? Then social media might not be an ideal place to join. Because here, people are all angry and judgemental.

Okay, I will admit it sometimes, Facebook goes all crazy. They ban you for no reason. They disable your account even if you don’t post anything wrong. It is confusing to get punished when you weren’t a bad guy.

Check out Funniest Conspiracy theory memes to blow your mind.

Sometimes political issues are going on in the world. So you decide to share your thoughts about it because of freedom of speech. But, Facebook sees you as the bad guy. But isn’t social media also a place to share your thoughts? Even if it gets political?

You know what is coming for you when you post something sensitive. But sometimes you have to let it out, you know? You have to speak the truth! So what if Facebook bans you? They aren’t always right. They deny you because they might get in trouble themself for allowing such speeches. So they block you.

Enjoy Adorable Heart memes that will melt your heart away.

Even the punishments end eventually, right?

How many of you have seen Game of Thrones? It was a fantastic show, except for that hurried ending. So you must know Cersei and her love for wine, right? She is always drinking and plotting her evil plans. And when she got thrown into that cell, as an alcoholic, it must have been hard for her.

Explore some Hilarious Drinking memes.

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Here are 30+ Excited memes to capture your excitement.

Check out 20+ Here we go again memes for your entertainment.

Here is the collection of hilarious memes.

